The Aquaculture Development Project Nigeria (ADPN) adopts a holistic approach to improve the livelihood of smallholder fish farmers while ensuring sustainable fish production within an enhanced aquatic environment. The project will build the capacity of fish farmers in aquaculture Best Management Practices (BMP), modern fish farming techniques, and education for improved output while reducing pollution along the value chain. A subsidiary goal of the Aquaculture Development Project Nigeria is to provide development through collaboration among fish farmers, businesses,development organizations, knowledge and training institutions, and a range of local stakeholders.Additionally, the ADPN consortium recognizes a huge market for the expansion of Aquaculture inAfrica, a sector that serves the growing human population with affordable and rich proteins. Thus, the adoption of e-learning, e-trading, and farm management software which will enable smallholder famers to earn decent living through access to farm and market information, optimal production,and more profitable sales of their produce.